Here are a few common questions regarding our site. If you have any other questions please use the contact form below to get in touch with us.
Why did you develop GollyGoose?
GollyGoose is all about uplifting your consciousness through compassionate actions and awareness.

We pick and share uplifting stories from around the world that can evoke positive mindset.

With the help of The Compassionate Gauge Tool, we can discover which stories and organizations are most aligned with our objective.

Why do we need compassion?
Being in a state of “compassion” means you are tuned in with your surroundings. You are aware of how fellow beings are feeling including human beings, animals, plants and mother earth. Being compassionate drives us to engage in the practice of giving. Giving can come in many forms such as a hug, kind words, handing out food to the needy, giving money to a charity or the homeless. Some make it their life mission by creating organizations dedicated to a specific cause. We need more compassion in our world, it’s the path to a better future for ourselves, our children, and grandchildren.
Why do we need uplifting news and stories?
Good news stories affect our mindset in a positive way. Compared to the traditional news outlets that instill fear and drama, uplifting news and stories are becoming more dominant in our media. GollyGoose is dedicated to providing you with different types of positive/uplifting stories and news from around the world for the purpose of promoting compassion in everyone.
Is it true that your Compassion Gauge Tool can measure my level of state of compassion automatically when I click the “VOTE” button?
Yes, the system is designed to detect and measure the level of compassion you are in, at the moment you click the “VOTE” button.
How can software know how I feel? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
The concept is new and so is the technology. We launched GollyGoose along with Compassion Gauge Tool in November 2017. We’ve designed our system based on the fact that consciousness affects matter and by doing so, we’ve cracked the code in detecting and measuring specific emotional-states in humans. 
Are there similar websites with such a tool?
Not that we are aware of. However, scientists and engineers at Princeton University developed technology with a similar objective, under a project named “Global Consciousness Project”. Their purpose is to examine subtle correlations that may reflect the presence and activity of consciousness in the world.
Personal information is not needed for the Tool to detect your level of compassion. 
I pressed the “VOTE” button and there was no results shown, why?
Once you press the “VOTE” button you have five (5) seconds to view your own result and then, it will be added to the overall count of votes. If the story has less than 11 votes and all were measured one (1) at the compassion level, the Tool will show the Zero level.

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