Compassion – Marketing For A New Era – What Will You Choose?

By: Eddie BenAbraham
Published: December 24th 2018 

Quick Introduction Video

  • The Problem
  • The Solution
  • Company Character
  • Marketing Budget
  • What is Compassionate Action?
  • Shifting Your Mindset
  • The New Marketing Cycle
  • The Tools
  • GollyGoose
  • The Compassion Gauge Tool
  • This is How it Works
  • The Why
  • What About Transparency?
  • Conclusion

While working in different businesses, every job environment allowed me to learn about the evolving challenges that companies face. After years of experience, it became evident that unless we try to help and guide business-owners, the issues will remain. We need new tools and concepts for both consumers and organizations to help build a better future for us all.

In this article, I will explain the reasons, problems, and solutions I believe can help play a critical part in transforming the way we make and deal with products and services and, help promote a better future for ourselves and our children.


In the last century, we exponentially evolved into a consumer-based society. “Hungry” for the latest gadget to be cool, facial serum to make your skin look young or a diet pill, that claims you will be happy when you lose weight. This “appetite” is driven by years of continuous and systematic bombardment of radio ads, TV commercials, billboards, and more recently, the internet. The idea behind these so-called “traditional marketing” methods lays a corrosive and finite concept – The more money you pour into marketing, more people will buy your product and service. This same idea drives most organizations established before the turn of the millennia and sadly, very few recognize the disadvantages and dysfunction.

  • The Problem

The methods used to lure people to buy products and services by most companies are based on brute-force mentality. First, it uses psychological weaknesses related to the fear of lacking, promoting self-criticism and negatively charged drama. Second, the repetition and frequency of advertisement, saturates and overwhelms those exposed which often delivers a “knockout” effect and goal is achieved. Over the years, these concepts developed sophisticated and clever ways to gain the attention of consumers, but in essence, companies are driven by the same mentality.

The first question I would like you to ask is:
How far or how long, can this marketing method sustain itself?

Consider these points:
1. Should companies continue using such tactics as their means to success?
2. What if the products and services offered are harmful to us and our environment?
3. Will we become a better society by allowing companies to continue this way?

Answer: Marketing your company using negatively charged values might provide you with a temporary spike in revenue but will not establish good character; thus, prevent success.

  • The Solution

There are three essential ingredients to look for in a company’s Professional Code of Conduct:

1. Transparency
2. Integrity
3. Compassion

Embedded in the company’s core values is their intention and will to be transparent about their work. And, performing with integrity and actively participating in compassionate actions. Their marketing budget now has an alternate focus — one led by people who want to contribute and make a positive impact in their community.

  • Company Character

As humans, we are born with a core-character which evolves and develops as we mature. The influences that help our character be unique to our own are both internal and external. At an early age, parents and caregivers serve as the dominant influence factor. Our own free choice takes a more predominant role later in the game.

A company is similar to a living entity and just like a human, it develops a character. However, the influences responsible for its development are external. The owners envision, chooses a name, type of organization, write a business plan, etc. They are essentially the parent but, the “child” is born as an idea that needs full care and attention throughout its life-cycle. This applies to organizations, companies, governments, and self-brands.

When we meet a person who is transparent, has integrity, and is compassionate, we can recognize the product or service they offer comes from a place of good intention. We accumulate trust and choose them over another, who may lack the Three Values.

  • Marketing Budget

Investing in marketing becomes creative, fun and rewarding. This is where the passion of those who make up a company, takes center stage in developing a compassionate action plan for the business. Giving money to charity is great but, it does not have the added value and impact when a company is engaged fully in a compassionate action.

  • What Is Compassionate Action?

When you unconditionally devote yourself to a cause. Dedicating your effort, time and money to bring about a positive transformation in your community, the environment and planet.

The options are countless, and each has the potential to be far-reaching with his or her impact.

Investing in advertisements using TV, radio, print and the internet will remain. Because it is an important method used to help spread the news about the company’s mission. However, it is no longer used as a medium to spending most, if not all, your budget on.

  • Shifting Your Mindset

In a world where consumers care most about the low price and availability, the brute marketing methods work well. Companies thrive and look like things are progressing well with no slowing in sight. The fact is that as more people learn of how important the company’s values are, they are transformed into a new breed of consumer: one who is concerned about pollution, the deteriorating quality of basic foods and the substantial increase in issues with physical, emotional and mental health.

This so-called new breed of consumer can be found “blooming” where organic foods are available, yoga studios, group meditations in nature, volunteering for the homeless, saving wild animals, cleaning a local beach and many more.

Here are two main facts to consider:
First, the new consumer doesn’t care about your product as much as they care about how and which ingredients go into making it. Second, the new breed of consumer wants to know what type of positive contribution they make when they choose you. For example:
You make an environmentally friendly product and, your business is helping a local animal shelter.
Your passion is the ocean, and your action is cleaning and educating people. Your business is based on a product made with the materials you collect.
You sell locally-grown organic vegetables and actively participating in a daily food handout to the needy and so on.

  • The New Marketing Cycle

A cycle flow starts from the time a product is created then marketed, sold and later, the revenue comes back to sustain the company to develop more products and so on.

Building a company’s character intervenes and alters this flow, giving the company an added advantage.

In this simplified graphic illustration, you can compare the two marketing cycles. What the process of character-building essentially does for a company, is add value-driven attention from consumers throughout the cycle instead of in one section.

Old Marketing Cycle:
Advertisement —->
Gain consumer attention—->

New Marketing Cycle:
Build company character —->
Gain consumer attention—–>
Sell —–>
Advertisement —->
Gain consumer attention—–>


With this new concept in mind, I would like you to ask the first question, again:
How far, or for how long, can this type of marketing method sustain itself?

Consider these points:
1. Is the company transparent in fashion it conducts business?
2. Is there ample integrity present when you interact with the company?
3. Are the company’s products & services created using practices good for all?
4. Is the company engaged in compassionate actions?

I would love to hear your thoughts about comparing the two.

  • The Tools

In marketing, measurable results is an important tool for a company’s growth. The numbers reflect how it’s doing and help identify the areas of strength and where attention is required. Numerous companies offer analytics tools in both software and on-site service. They help track, measure and analyze many data types and often unique to a specific kind of business.

Measuring the three values- Transparency, Integrity and Compassion (TIC), requires data collection on a personal level. Meaning, clients answer a questionnaire or interview. Such tests capture specific behavioral attributes and then, determine how the company rank but, when compared to website analytics, this process is time-consuming and can get costly. However, the problem is, those digital options do not measure Transparency, Integrity or Compassion.

  • GollyGoose

What if there was a way, to measure compassion similarly to how website-clicks are measured with analytics software? Quick, accurate and done automatically with a click of a button. It sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? Well, it is not.

In 2017 we launched GollyGoose – The Uplifting News Network. The website is dedicated to spreading positive content from around the world, with a goal, to help uplift consciousness. On every story page, you will find a button called “VOTE”. When you click “VOTE”, our Compassion Gauge Tool goes to work, and in a fraction of a second, it detects your state-of-compassion and measures how you rank. The compassion levels are displayed using a unique flower-icon, one for each of the ten levels. Your result is displayed for a few seconds (currently 5), and then, it is added to the total to make up the average.

  • The Compassion Gauge Tool

Soon after we had launched GollyGoose, I discovered this new concept would be an even more challenging subject to introduce than I first estimated. I presented the Compassion Gauge Tool to more in my close-circle and to whom I first met but, because the concept is new and the technology we developed sounded far-fetched, my attempts to clarify ended the conversations more questions than answers. It was time to do more research and rethink my approach to help demystify the subject, if not for a million then at least with my dear old friends from high school.

Fast forward to mid-2018, with almost six months of testing I have reached this conclusion – Small steps over a long period using real examples, combined with articles and videos discussing the subject in many angles. The following is one of them:

Consciousness controls matter, these three words, are crucial to understanding where the Tool’s technology evolved from. It is the premise which one must acknowledge and look at with an open mind.

The idea that consciousness controls matter is no longer an opinion, but a scientific fact. The subject is available for research and to arrive at your conclusion. I will not attempt to convince because it is a big subject to go over. I trust that the wealth of information available will satisfy any question with a solid, definitive answer.

The goal was, to find a way to measure compassion in humans that is quick, accurate and with a click of a button. After a few years of development, we tested what to become The Compassion Gauge Tool. The results were promising, and we continued work on the Tool and GollyGoose until we got the final product ready to launch.

  • How It Works

We are made of energy and that energy, is affected by the way we feel at any given moment. As humans, we innately transmit this energy’s resonance. A person feeling loved resonates with a loving frequency, another who decides to feel anger, will have a different frequency. This condition constitutes to what is called a “state of being”, for example, one can be in a state of fear, anger, joy or, the subject of the day – a compassionate state of being.

Every energy is detectable; there are many scientific instruments designed to detect and measure many types of energies. In our case, however, there was no available instrument we could use to identify the energy of compassion. We had to design and build our instrument, and we set out to make it a reality.

After four years of development The Compassion Gauge Tool, was born. When a user clicks the button, the Tool goes to work, and in a fraction of a second, it comes back with a result. Based on the type of energy and its intensity, we deciphered the variation in the level of compassion and divided it into 10 consecutive levels. Level number One (1) is with the least amount of energy detected and ten (10), being one with most compassionate energy detectable.

For each level, we designed an icon to easily identify the level of the state of compassion detected:

Now, to answer one of the most asked question: “How can a computer feel what I’m feeling?”

The answer lies in the premises which dictate that – consciousness controls matter. The computer doesn’t know how you feel but what happens instead is, the moment you click “VOTE”, your conscious-intent tells the instruments what your state of being is.
You are in control; you have the power over matter.  Try it yourself here (click)

  • The Why

I want to bring all the aspects together and explain why GollyGoose is a good-news website and what we are working on next, for our world communities.

Transparency Integrity and Compassion are the values we speak of. With positive, uplifting news we are setting the stage for a multitude of benefits that one person, a community and a company, can benefit from.

The Compassion Gauge Tool is installed on each story page; we ask our users to click the “VOTE” button right after they are done watching and reading a story. The goal is to discover which story evokes more compassion. In essence, we are building a rating system for stories. The more Compassion Votes made for a story, the more we know what level of compassion the story evokes.

The Compassion Gauge Tool is also installed on the pages dedicated to “Featured Organizations”. Each of the organizations have active stories on GollyGoose, and with those present, users can Vote how compassionate a company is.

The “Featured Organizations” section is available for companies and organizations to join on a paid membership basis. With this in place, we encourage companies to document their compassionate-actions and have the story published on GollyGoose.

Encouraging companies to do more and on a consistent basis, is what we would love to see taking place. A compassionate company is a successful company, it takes time, effort and devotion. Actively participating in compassionate actions to transform your community will cause value and thriving business in ways that dwarf the benefits of traditional marketing.

2019 update: We launched – The Spiritually Energized Community of Earth, there you will find our Compassion Tool in action on pages that offer services and information. 

  • What About Transparency?

Transparency is as important as compassion and integrity. There is a correlation between transparency and integrity, and we would like you to consider both Integrity and transparency when Voting for a company.
Because of specific governing laws in countries and internal rules of companies, there are strict guidelines on what, and how much information they can make public. We will work to help companies and consumers add transparency to our rating system in the meantime.

  • Conclusion

The more compassion, Integrity and Transparency your company has, the more consumers will want to buy from you.

Value is more important than how many ads you have running on TV, the internet, radio or paper.

Our society is developing new ways to make our world a better place. This exponential growth is more evident in the last two decades than ever before. I believe that we must consistently promote compassionate actions to help build solid foundations for communities to grow wiser and successful.

Compassionate actions are “contagious” and more powerful than the strength of an army equipped with tanks, missiles, and bullets. Our freshwater sources and oceans need our help; our air needs a remedy. Foods grown and transported halfway across the world for a profit has no integrity or compassion. I don’t believe in lack or inability to solve a problem, for every challenge we face, there is a win-win solution. We each must decide about the life we want for our children and act to make it a reality.

GollyGoose and Vort8x are a new concept with a new type of technology and to make it successful for humanity we need your help. You are invited to join the family, click here for free signup. It will be an honor to greet you.

I look forward to growing this world community with you.
Your feedback, questions, collaboration, and donations are essential and appreciated.

Eddie BenAbraham
President & Co-Founder.